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Script to start Ms Word and merge mail data from active spreadsheet
I am working on an app that will merge the data in an activespreadsheet into a Word Mergemail. Doe...
Merge data from 2 spreadsheets
I have 2 spreadsheets where the common denominator is "applicationtitle" column...one has info for...
How to merge data from 2 spreadsheets
I have one spreadsheet with (only there's about 200 entries)Name ShoeSize HeightJenelle 9 5'10" ...
More complex Mail Merging with Excel to Word
Not sure if this is a Word or an Excel question, but it's reallybugging me!I'm pretty familure...
Insert missing date/merge two spreadsheets
I need some help again.Now I have a spreadsheet has data looks like this but much larger(about 2...
Cannot use the VBA add table command of MS word in MS Excel VBA
I have encountered a problem of trying to create a new document inMS word and add a table on it:...
Cannot use the VBA add table command of MS word in MS Excel VBA
I have encountered a problem of trying to create a new document inMS word and add a table on it:...
Copying data from Excel to MS Word
I have numerous single-sheet Excel files (all of which are the sameformat), from which I need to c...
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Article updates on "script to start ms word and merge mail data from active spreadsheet"

List of 221 MS Word Short Cut Keys
List of 221 MS Word Short Cut Keys
Shell script to display time in word
Write a shell script to display time in word.
Shell Script to read data from a file
Write a Shell Script to read data from a file.
Shell script to perform database operations for student data like view, add and delete records
Write a shell script to perform database operations for student data like view, add and delete recor...
Program to read all words from a file and remove all words which are palindromes
Write a program that reads words from a text file and remove all words which are palindromes.
Program to get substring of entered text or word by taking starting index and number of characters
Program to get substring of entered text or word by taking starting index and number of characters f...
Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types
A C++ Program to illusrate data conversion b/w built-in data types.
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Comments in C++ starts with which symbol
Options a) //b) \\c) **d) None of the aboveAnswer : a) //
What is a control word?
It is a word stored in a register (control register) used to control the operation of a program digi...
Write an algorithm for Merge Sort in dfs (data file structure).
1. [Initialization] i <-- first j <-- second k <-- 0.2. [Compare corresponding element and...
What is Simple Merge Sort in dfs (data file structure)?
The merge sort is a sort where the operation of sorting is closely related to the process of merging...
What is Two Way Merge Sort in dfs (data file structure)?
The process to merge k sorted tables into a single sorted table is called multiple merging or k-way ...
If C# destructors are so different to C++ destructors, why did MS use the same syntax?
Presumably they wanted C++ programmers to feel at home. I think they made a mistake.
From which two sources can you generate SQL scripts?
You can generate SQL scripts from database tables and the data dictionary.
Name of serial’s name which has been started two year ago.
SQL>select serialname from serial_master where to_char(timeinindia ,'DD-MON-YYYY hh:mi:ss a.m.') <= ...
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