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How to merge data from 2 spreadsheets

  Asked By: Rufus    Date: Sep 30    Category: MS Office    Views: 711

I have one spreadsheet with (only there's about 200 entries)
Name ShoeSize Height
Jenelle 9 5'10"
Sara 7.5 5' 7"
Peter 11 5'11"
Frank 10 6'2"

and another one with (only there's about 300 entries):

Name Age Address
Zeke 30 Iowa
Sara 25 Maine
Frank 50 Utah

I'd like to wind up with:

Name ShoeSize Height Age Address
Jenelle 9 5'10"
Sara 7.5 5' 7" 25 Maine
Peter 11 5'11"
Frank 10 6'2" 50 Utah
Zeke 30 Iowa



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Phailin Jainukul     Answered On: Sep 30

There are a few steps here. First I'd recommend you get both
worksheets in the same workbook. Next, you'll want some VLOOKUP formulae
to go to the second list and pick up the data  you need automatically.
You can read about how that is done here:


Then, you can lose all the formulae and just keep the combined data.
Select the whole sheet, copy to the clipboard, then

Answer #2    Answered By: Bonita Garcia     Answered On: Sep 30

You mentioned you have unequal entries in both lists, now assuming all enteries
in the shorter list are available in the longer list then it should be quite
easy if you take the longer list as the key in the Vlookup suggested by Ray.
However If you have unique entries in both lists then you'll have to go through
the second list again with another vlookup (there may be a simpler way to do
this) to identify the unique entries and copy them to the merged sheet.

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