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Workbook Tracking Question

  Asked By: Cesar    Date: Mar 26    Category: MS Office    Views: 864

We have an Excel workbook used for tracking open employment
positions as well as the candidates submitted for those positions.
On the candidate tracking sheet ("Candidates") there is a column for
a status code, which is manually entered, indicating where the
candidate is in the interview process (I=interviewing, R=rejected,
P=presented to client, etc). There is also a column with a code
indicating the position the candidate is being targeted for.
(1=Developer, 2=Project Manager, 3=Business Analyst, ect.)

On the worksheet tracking open positions ("Pipeline") we need to
count the number of candidates being targeted for THAT particular
position. Complication #1: some candidates are being targeted to
more than one position so there are actually THREE columns with
position numbers that need to be "counted". Complication #2: we want
to further breakdown the count by "status". How many are rejected,
interviewing, presented to client, etc.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Cleopatra Massri     Answered On: Mar 26

Programming exercise, for your review.
Modify to suit your specific requirements.


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