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WinBlows issue

  Date: Dec 31    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 253

I hate windows but am stuck with it for most of my stuff. I know there
are a lot of programs that would do the job of the simple stuff i want
to do but there are a lot that i would like to try that you have to
build from source or install through the terminal and when it comes to
a programing of any kind the last i did was Basic when i was 10 I'm 34
now. I need an idiots Guide to the terminal if any of you know of one i
would be greatful. Oh and if and of you can get YaZak To work in ubuntu
feisty please tell me how. I like it a lot better for chat in yahoo i
tryed to get the .DEB for Yahoo's IM to work but kept getting
unresolible conflicks.



4 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 31    

I want to tell you something that I observe very often with
change. If someone makes a change because they see potential in that
change, they will find a way to make it work. When they make a change
for other reasons - they fail.

When I first tried linux I did a duel boot. Yea, that was ok. Most of my
time was spent on the XP side using the apps that I know. I didnt learn
much about linux at all.

Two years later I got out of bed, turned on my monitor and discovered
that overnight for some reason XP had decided that my profile was a
problem and lost it. It lost my second hd with ALL my data on it. After
a month of trying to recover I gave up and made a swift move to Ubuntu.

Making that jump was important because, once you do - you CANT go back.
You have to move forward.

What Im getting at is, so many "think" they cant get along without this
app or that app but in reality, they choose not to. There are apps out
there but, like many things in life, you have to go find them. You
definitally didnt just get all these apps on Windows -> YOU had to
PURCHASE them. On linux, all you have to do is find it and get some help
installing it.

So, almost without fail - those who say they they cant get along without
this particular app are the ones who leave this list and move back to
windows. I bet we have had at least 8 I know of - that have told us so -
in the last two months.

To help you move forward why not tell us some apps that you have on
windows and we - as a group - can make suggestions for apps on Ubuntu.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 31    

You dont need to learn any programming language to install anything
I found the following link very useful for this regard


I need an idiots Guide to the terminal if any of you know of one i
> > would be greatful. Oh and if and of you can get YaZak To work in ubuntu
> > feisty please tell me how. I like it a lot better for chat in yahoo i
> > tryed to get the .DEB for Yahoo's IM to work but kept getting
> > unresolible conflicks.
> >

I use pidgin for my instant messenger from yahoo, to msn to aol to google
talk all in one place.
I have no need for yahoo messenger for linux. Infact in my windows machine
too i use pidgin

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 31    

Ubuntu is great for recovering files from under Windows and there is no
problem with the Windows password at all. Files can be copied from one folder to
another, from one Windows partition on another without any trouble, they can be
printed, burnt to DVD or copied to a flash drive.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 31    

People use Pidgin for yahoo chat. All so you can just click the person on line
in yahoo and use messenger right off the bat with out DL anything.

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