I have an invoicing program that prints Sheet 1 on 8½" x 7"
invoices to a dot-matrix (DM) printer. Another part of my program
will print Sheet 2 on 8½" x 11" to a laser printer.
It works great, but here's the problem . . . After I print Sheet 2 to
the laser printer and then go back to print the invoices on the DM
printer, the DM automatically selects it's default custom paper size
of 1" x ½" which is no good. Anyone know how to code in the custom
paper size of 8½" x 7" before it prints ?
Here's what I've got so far:
Sheet1.PageSetup.PaperSize = xlPaperUser
Or is it possible to change/create a new paper size in the registry
for this DM printer driver ?