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Column Change - VBA coding

  Asked By: Hayed    Date: Jan 09    Category: MS Office    Views: 1546

I have given below the situation where i need to code some operation.
* If any changes in the particular column, the macro will be automatically
called and perform some operation. How do we call particular funcation when
there is some changes in the particular column.
Note: I don't want to use workbook_change since it takes more time, if we make
any changes in the entire work book.



7 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jawwad Akram     Answered On: Jan 09

You can use the worksheet's change  event. That way at least it won't be
checked on other sheets.

Answer #2    Answered By: Shirley Allen     Answered On: Jan 09

Yes. But dont we have any particular change  event?
thanks for your guidance.

Answer #3    Answered By: Myrna Brown     Answered On: Jan 09

You mean specific to individual cells? No.

You need to ignore the change  if the target is not one of the cells you
want to track changes on.

By using the worksheet change event, you limit the event to just the
worksheet you're interested in. The code  to ignore the event doesn't
take much time  to execute. Certainly not noticeable by people.

Answer #4    Answered By: Reginald Thomas     Answered On: Jan 09

Let me check and get back to you if i need any help on the same.
Have a nice day

Answer #5    Answered By: Seth Anderson     Answered On: Jan 09

Thanks for your information.

How do we declare the event in the module? Coudl you please provide me some
sample data if you have?

Is it a correct one?

for Example :
private sub Worksheet("sheet1").change()
end sub

Answer #6    Answered By: Jeanne Lawson     Answered On: Jan 09

I have been wanting to join a group that discussed
about Excel. I hope I am in the right group because from what I"ve read so far,
it seemed like this group is for super advanced Excel users. I'm more of an
intermediate or close to it level.

I've always wanted to know what the purpose of Macro in Excel is?

Answer #7    Answered By: Reamonn Fischer     Answered On: Jan 09

There are lots of beginners and intermediate people here as well as a few
gurus. You're in good company!

Macros in Excel... Well!! Where to start?! The very simple answer is that
they make life simpler.

Initially macros can be used to *record* things you do. I had a user
recently who got fed up of inserting a Tick symbol from windings all the
time... So he wrote a macro  to do it and set up a button for it. When he
clicks the button now, the symbol is inserted... without having to click
Insert, go to windings, sort through the symbols for the tick and insert it.

They can be that simple.

And of course they can get very complicated too. I think it's true to say
that almost anything you can do in Excel with menus you can automate with a
macro. You can also do very much more.

Have you got a project you are working on at the moment?

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