I am almost done with the Data Grid.
Ok so now I have a databind sub here is the code, nothing special (an for those who don't like datasets :P )
Sub BindGrid(ByVal strSortField As String) ' strSortField is a string passed to the Sqlcommand to sort the results
Dim conStaticIP As SqlConnection
Dim StaticDS As New DataSet()
conStaticIP = New SqlConnection("Server=localhost;UID=WYD;Database=ITConfig")
Dim cmdSelect As New SqlDataAdapter("Select [ID],[IpAddress],[IPOwner] from StaticIpAdd Order By " & strSortField, conStaticIP)
cmdSelect.Fill(StaticDS, "StaticIpAdd")
Dim sw1 As Integer = 1
Select Case sw1
Case 1
Dim dr As DataRow = StaticDS.Tables(0).NewRow()
'put something in the first column to look pretty
dr("IPAddress") = " Add IP Address"
StaticDS.Tables(0).Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0)
End Select
StaticIPGrid.DataSource = StaticDS.Tables("StaticIpAdd")
End Sub
Ok so what that basically does is Gets the results from the DB puts them into a Dataset, then it adds a empty row to the top of the DS with one value.
Then we get to the Update command a litttttle bit more complex.
Update Command where I am not sure, ok so what I am doing (and please correct me here!) I am first returning the values from the db (which I think might be unnesassary requiring of the db) and inserting the values into a DS.
I then need to take into consideration the empty row at the top and check for data in that row, because if the user "added a new record" and not just simply updated a current value I need to show this new record in the db.
Now where do I go from here? I have code but its everywhere,
Basically steps:
Dim cols As String() = {"IPAddress", "IPOwner"}
Dim numCols As Integer = e.Item.Cells.Count
Dim currentRow As Integer = e.Item.DataSetIndex
' reload Values into the dataset
Dim conStaticIP As SqlConnection
Dim DS As New DataSet()
conStaticIP = New SqlConnection("Server=localhost;UID=WYD;Database=ITConfig")
Dim cmdSelect As New SqlDataAdapter("Select [ID],[IpAddress],[IPOwner] from StaticIpAdd Order By " & strSortField, conStaticIP)
cmdSelect.Fill(DS, "StaticIpAdd")
Dim row As DataRow
If currentRow = 0 Then
row = DS.Tables(0).NewRow()
row = DS.Tables(0).Rows(e.Item.DataSetIndex - 1) 'need to sub 1 because we have an inserted row
End If
' get the values and update the datarow
Dim I, J As Integer
J = -1
Trace.Warn("aspx.page", "numcols = " & CStr(numCols))
For I = 2 To numCols - 1 'skip first and 2nd columns (Edit/Delete command column)
J += 1
Dim currentTextBox As TextBox
currentTextBox = CType(e.Item.Cells(I).Controls(0), TextBox)
row(cols(J)) = currentTextBox.Text
Trace.Warn(I.ToString(), CStr(cols(J)) & " = " & currentTextBox.Text)
If currentRow = 0 Then
DS.Tables(0).Rows.InsertAt(row, 0)
End If
Ok now where do I go reload the whole DS into the db (which I think is totally wrong...)
Please rip this apart I need the most efficient and best if possible answer.
The Datagrid column setup is:
All columns are Template columns
And are in this order:
Edit(update, cancel)
The very first row in the DG is a empty row (RE Databind sub above)