I have two notebook and i want to share internet connection from old notebook to
new notebook.
Old notebook is running on x_p because of my friend ( he dont know linux :( )
and new notebook is running on linux.
I configured OLD notebook like below:
LAN (that is connect WAN) : IP: GW: DNS:
and share internet connection.I clicked "share internet connection other
interface" in network setting.
Wifi : IP: GW: dont use , DNS: dont use , Authentication: WEP-128bit
HEX , Mode: Ad-hoc
and configured NEW notebook like below:
wlan0 : IP,GW and DNS ips are taken by dhcpclient like IP : 192.168.0.x , GW: , DNS:
and authentication WEP-128bit HEX
and it works ! I connect to internet with wireless on new notebook but not
everytime :((
Sometimes i can connect sometimes not.
route command out like below when I can NOT connection to internet :
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
localnet * U 0 0 0 wlan0
link-local * U 1000 0 0 wlan0
default UG 100 0 0 wlan0
but when I CAN conection to internet,it is like below:
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
localnet * U 0 0 0 wlan0
link-local * U 1000 0 0 wlan0
default x_p.home.net UG 100 0 0 wlan0
DNS seems like work :)
I tried to stop w_ind_ows firewall , other firewall program on x_p and
configured without authentication but still sometimes work,sometimes not work.
Everytime it works other notebook (3th notebook) that is have vista or xp
notebook , I have a problem only linux machine sometimes.
Why can not connnetion to internet evertime with linux machine ?