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How to connect to internet at office using IP address

  Date: Dec 09    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 497

actually by doing so many trials and errors i am now able to connect to internet
at home using the terminal commands.... sudo pppoeconf... etc.. and then
providing username and pasword...

but i am not able to connect to internet at my office. In my office there is no
username and password. But i have a LAN connection with ip address. so i have
preset my MS Internet explorer settings in MS windows and everyday i just plugin
the internet cable/connection and my computer directly get connected to

but in ubuntu i dont know how to preset the connections, or where to inter the
ip address. I tried some thing in the connection settings but failed. I have all
the figures/data for my IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server,
Alternate DNS server and Physical Address. but dont know where to enter them to
start my internet connection.

so please help me out and let me know where to enter the details or if there is
some command to be used in terminal!



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 09    

you would need to enter this information under system->preferences->network
configuration . Under Wired choose Auto Eth0 ( thats mostly the one ) and
click on EDIT..

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 09    

I will try to workout it and let you know if any problem.......

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 09    

The safest way to connect either way is via VPN. I suggest you contact your
local system admin and ask if they run a VPN service so you can login to the
company network from home free from security worries. Ask them how to use it.
If they do not run such a VPN service - they should - as the company's security
is at stake.

Look at where you preset your IE settings, copy them down and from Ubuntu using
Firefox, Edit, Preferences, edit the settings into the Advanced tab, Network
Connection settings.

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