My mail server requires that I use Port 110 for outgoing email, but I can'tfind a way to set this in Evolution's preferences settings. How do I did this?
Port 110 is usually for incoming mail so are you totally sure thatyour mail provider is wanting 110 for outgoing ( instead of the usualport 25 ), and what do they use for incoming ???
You do a remarkable job of responding to my question without answering it. Areyou in politics?
What I asked is are you totally sure that this is the correct portinformation - I've not heard of anyone using port 110 for outgoingmail, that's totally against all the rules !!
You are using Evolution as a mail client, right? If you are a mail server youmay have troubles setting up port 110 (POP3). Check out your role in the schemeof thins.
Port is set by adding ":portNo." after the IP address. e.g.