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set up the dual boot system

  Date: Jan 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 443

I am considering dual booting my sony vaio tower pc(XP) with ebie Feisty
LTSP server. Now can someone tell me how de-de-dee I'm being?

I am guessing that, first of all--if I do, it will of course only work
as a server while it is actually running. Right? So I can't log in to
buntu and start the server, then log in to XP for my hubby to use? Just
double checking.

Is there ANY way that I can permanently screw up my pc while trying to
set up the dual boot system? I have cd's to do a fresh install from,
but the partitioner on the cd's will only give me a c and d drive. A
spyware just forced me to do a fresh install of XP about 2 wks ago, and
I checked the partitioner. I don't even recall a manual option.

When they say that grub overwrites the boot record, is that reversible
with my XP cd's.

Any opinions? Any experience with vaio towers and ubuntu?

Any partitioning suggestions? I have a edubuntu 6.06 live cd, a 6.06
edubuntu server install cd, and a Feisty install cd. I would prefer to
not burn any more if I don't have to.



3 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Jan 07    

>I am considering dual booting my sony vaio tower pc(XP) with ebie Feisty
>LTSP server. Now can someone tell me how de-de-dee I'm being?

That's interesting. I've just been playing around with an old PC,
trying to see whether it's capable of running Ubuntu. Lots of problems,
with the lastest distributions, but I've just managed to install the
server version of Ubuntu-5. It's a text based system.

>I am guessing that, first of all--if I do, it will of course only work
>as a server while it is actually running. Right?


> So I can't log in to Ubuntu and start the server, then log in to XP
> for >my hubby to use? Just double checking.

That's correct, you can only run one operating system on a computer.

>Is there ANY way that I can permanently screw up my pc while trying to
>set up the dual boot system?

Yes, any operation which changes partitions, or the boot system can
cause problems. You should back-up any important data, external to the
computer. Having said that I haven't had any problems caused by
installing Ubuntu.

If you do get problems the XP installation disk can restore booting. I
can also recommend a program called SuperBoot, which can restore Windows
& Linux booting (do a Google search).

> I have cd's to do a fresh install from, but the partitioner on the
> cd's >will only give me a c and d drive. A spyware just forced me to
> do a fresh >install of XP about 2 wks ago, and I checked the
> partitioner. I don't >even recall a manual option.

IIRC XP allows you to use part of the hard disk, but can't create
multiple partitions (perhaps someone will correct me if I'm wrong :-) ).
Drive d could be your CDROM.

Ubuntu likes to install in the free space on a system, so I've usually
used PartitionMagic to reduce the size of the Windows partition, as

Ubuntu installation also has a facility called Gparted to alter the size
of a Windows partition, although I haven't used that.

Answer #2    Answered On: Jan 07    

Can you maybe explain what the correct terminology for my os
setup would be. Every time that I refer to the Edubuntu setup as having
LTSP server, folks react as if I am installing a machine that will be
something like a command line, full time server. So what it is that I
am using is a full desktop workstation install that includes a gui for
creating a LTSP server connection so that a thin client can be served by
my desktop workstation. Just trying to clear up a lot of confusion I am

On the xp partitions. FYI - - the way my sony does it is....I have one
80g hard disk, and it will divide it to 2, C & D. My cd drives are F &
G then of course, I have my floppy A and memory stick E. But I have had
folks tell me that the way my Vaio is setup is different from almost all
other modern-ish pc's. I feel special-my wdws didn't even register as
an OEM, Microsux sees it as a purchased copy.

Isn't partition magic a pay program tho? If I had any $$ to spend, I'd
just go buy a new net card for that stupid laptop of mine and solve all
my problems LOL.

Answer #3    Answered On: Jan 07    

It's probably best to avoid the abreviation LTSP (Linux terminal server
project) as the LT might suggest something to do with laptops. Your full
explanation, is probably better, perhaps with a little modification.
Something like this -

"A full Edubuntu desktop workstation that includes a gui for
creating a network server connection, so that a thin clients, ie.
computers with minimal features, can be served by my network".

>Isn't partition magic a pay program tho?

Yes, but there are others for Windows which are free (do a Google
search), and of course GPARTED for Linux, which you get with the live
versions of Ubuntu.

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