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Seeking a real solution for a graphical problem

  Date: Dec 07    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 668

For a couple of days I'm fighting with a problem
OS = Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty
Graphical card : now old system Nvidia PCX 5300
Everything worked well till then and after booting I open a console and
it had no more window decoration nor cross for closing
When opening my browser, the same happened and the window was very narrow
and without cross and extending and folding buttons
I tried to fin a solution browsing some forums and one said
"I succeed with the command «metacity &»! I tried too
It worked but without saving parameters and each time I restarted the
graphical server (rebooting, reopening session) I had to enter that command.
I tried to check wether the graphical effects were not changed, but they
back to "no effect". When setting again to "Normal" (medium option),
even without entering the command, everything turned to normal behaviour....
But no parameter was saved and each time I restart the graphical server
I have either to change again the graphical effects or to run the command
"metacity &" which gives me back [1] and a four digits number (not
always the same)
and at the same time turn the windows in "normal" mode.

Could anyone give me a solution for the system the to memorize the
parameters and me no more to care at each boot or session openening.



9 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 07    

I do not speak/ or maybe a word or two. a word in French. I think the next link
would help too.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 07    

for trying to find a solution to my problem.
I already tried by myself what is explained at the first linked page
and now trying to install cf according second linked explanations
I'll let you know later

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 07    

nothing of what I could try works.

I suppose either there is a configuration mismatching between Matacity
and Compiz
or my Xorg.conf has a bad instruction. I know its a very senitive file.
You can mistake
in "menu.lst" (Grub config) without very important consequence, instead
some error
in Xorg.conf may induce a screen stuck.
I go on seeking, may be replacing that file by olders.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 07    

Finally I've found (by myself, trying to make a new user session and
how it behaves) THE solution. Maybe it can be useful for other people
who meet
some trouble with compiz volatil parameters. I added compiz-manager
at starting applications and IT WORKS.

Anyway many thanks to all people who tried to help. If I have a solution for
a problem explained here, I'll give it.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 07    

your system might not run compiz well. It has trouble on many
Your graphics card might not be supported.
Did you check?

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 07    

The trouble don't come for my graphics card indeed,
because the system has already worked fine.

I probably have mistaken a setting without being aware of it,
and the error came out after the xserver has reset.

I suppose something is mismatching between metacity and compiz.
Compiz is needed for the visual effects can work. But I tried to uninstall
all its components, then to rename the folders /home/myId/.compiz and
/home/myId/.config/compiz and after to re-install all the compiz components.
Nothing better, at each boot or session opening the visual effects have turn
to none (and till I don't change to normal, my windows decoration has
with the 3 buttons too - close , enlarge full screen, reduce to tray - )

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 07    

Till now, nobody knows how compiz / metaciy work and how can one have
the parameters AUTOMATICALLY back at each session ?

Why does the sytem used to work properly till a time when at starting
the system, the visual effects DON'T WANT ANY MORE TO BE AUTOMATICALLY
kept ?

Does anyone know sufficiently Ubuntu for saying me how to have
visual effects automatically saved and recovered at every session ?

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 07    

I'm certainly no expert but don't want you to think you are being ignored

I have compiz on one system and it just works. It always comes back with the
same settings after every reboot. If you are having problems one thing you
might check is whether you have the right video card driver. That can make a
big difference if it is not the correct one and could cause going back to
the default or failsafe settings at every reboot.

There are some video cards that are very hard to work with in Linux and
there's not much one can do except find out the best choices and change your
hardware. Other than that I don't have any further ideas.

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 07    

Hum the solution is probably independent from my video card
because the system has already worked well.
I must have made a wrong setting without being aware of it
and the result waited the reset of xserver to come out.

Anyway thank you for your nice words,
so I keep on being confident for a solution to appear.

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