As a beginner, I have some questions.
Last Cell
Suppose that I have column A, last active cell is A250 , but previous cells
A115, A10, A77 are an empty cells.
How can VBA recognize A250 as a last cell ? is there any standard function ?
I will use this function/method as a constraint of my iteration base on last
cell input by user (to cut iteration time).
Find method
What is the code to find data and the address from a single column?
For instance: I want to find date: #March 3,2005” from column A.
Output Desired: 3 data found in A1, A10, A120
String Operation
If I have string data: “ Hello World ”,
What is the string function to delete space?
So the output becomes : “HelloWorld” (without left, center and right space). I
can delete left and right space using trim function, but I don’t know how to
delete center space.
And how to delete certain character from the string to get output : “Heo Word”
(delete “l” character from the original string : “Hello World”)