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  Asked By: Kerri    Date: Jan 10    Category: MS Office    Views: 1103

I get data in Excel that I want to put into a mysql database (I have
ODBC installed)... How do I run an update query from Excel and is it
So far I only found references on how to select stuff INTO excel, not
how to export it...
I can theoretically save the file as comma-delimited and then import
it into mysql for example, but I am looking for a direct update
between Excel and mysql (VBA & ODBC)



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Cara Lewis     Answered On: Jan 10

In my limited experience I do not know of any direct update  thru ODBC. I
had similar issue with Access. May be some else knows something.

Answer #2    Answered By: Luis Fischer     Answered On: Jan 10

Create an ms-dos batch file  to automate the mysql  databae import from
the command line.

Save the worksheet as a .csv

Run the batch file from VBA with the shell function.

Sorry I cant provide any code examples - it's on my work pc, not at home.

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