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Print an Excel spreadsheet on one page

  Asked By: Lambodar    Date: Aug 31    Category: MS Office    Views: 4653

I have used Excel on my office PC and have an alternative/option
to "Fit the Page" or to have the spreadsheet to fit in one page.

On my home PC with Windows XP I cannot get the spreadsheet to fit on
one page and oftentimes will take four pages to print four different
quadrants. I have tried 'highlighting the cells' in an effort to
print all the spreadsheet on one page and I still get four pages of

Where is the "Fit to Page" command hidden in Windows XP.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Roxanne Dixon     Answered On: Aug 31

Fit to page  option is under
File|Page Setup|
on the Page tab | Scaling you will find Fit to Page option

Answer #2    Answered By: Elisa Larson     Answered On: Aug 31

Glad to see you got your answer and thanks to Anjan for taking the time to
provide you with the information you need.

But please DO realize that this group focuses on Excel's programming
language, VBA. So although we're not sticklers for that everything MUST be
On Topic...understand that this is not a general Excel support group...it's
for VBA questions. So if you have further needs for VBA...great. But if you
need to get your more general Excel questions answered, you should post to
an Excel or Office support group that has a wider question base.

You can find links to general Office groups, including the free Microsoft
newsgroups that support all MS technologies in all languages, here:

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