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Other Gnomes

  Date: Dec 24    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 552

Other than Ubuntu, are there any other usable Gnome distros available
that are not named Fedora? I've tried installing Gnome in Mepis.
This did not go well. Mepis is a really good KDE, but not so great in
Gnome. It's a miserably hot day outside today and I'm home. It looks
like a good day to go test driving distros.



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 24    

I've looked at a few but i'd say stick with ubuntu. The package
management is by far the best - opensuse running gnome and kde looks
good... but i found the gnome iso seemed to have quite a few glitches
and as for package management i'd rather not comment. Seems with
opensuse buy the package and everything ok - iso?

Thing is with distros from what i can gather they specialise in gnome
[ubuntu, debian etc] and others in kde [suse, mepis etc]. You decide
which you like and stick with it. I stick with ubuntu and gnome rather
than kubuntu. Occasionally run the odd kde app.

Ubuntu wins on the community support side, package management and
product development [as we've seen in the last couple of days more
OEMs providing linux on new PCs].

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