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Networking LAN with Ubuntu

  Date: Dec 27    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 559

I've been using Ubuntu for over a year now and I'm really pleased
with it other than a few niggles which I keep just putting to one side
through frustration.

Right the main bug bear I have is Networking.

I've a mixture of Ubuntu on several machines along with a mixture of
Windows mostly XP and 2000.

The Windows machines all connect no problem at all with one another.
The Ubuntu machines have always been a devil of a job to get to see
anything and I learnt to just leave them alone if I ever managed to
see any other machine that was a massive step forward and I'd just
leave it at that. Don't ask me how I got them to see others I don't
know as I wound up just trying anything at all in desperation. When it
worked I just left well alone.

DON'T UNDERSTAND AND CAN NOT FOLLOW CLI ok so please don't anyone
waste any time trying to tell me how to do this using the terminal and
CLI as it will just go right over my head and simply frustrate me all
the more.

OK hopefully that's understood can anyone tell me how to get Ubuntu to
share files across my LAN the same way my windows machines do. I've
got SAMBA but it's just screens full of gobledegook to be honest and
it's in fiddling with that that I probably broke the connection that
at least let me see the windows PCs on this machine.

All I get now is:-
Folder Contents Could not be displayed
Sorry could not display all contents of "Windows Network:Casterbridge"

So basically it refuses to let me see anything, though on the windows
side I can see the machine though I'm refused access to it with a
windows message saying Samba24 is not accessible....... (mind you that
was always the case from that direction and that's what I thought I
found a way to fix when it all went tits up)

So to sum up can some one please advise, me in simple point and click
terms, how to get a Ubuntu machine to share files on a Workgroup ?



16 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 27    

It may be you already did give permissions in the other parts of your
network but if not , in the MS side right click, say the hard drive,
documents or files and choose Share. Set to share these.

I just go from Places/Network and I can see all my XP and Vista files
through the network without Samba.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 27    

Thanks I used to have that but it's stopped working hence my posting here

Basically the network simply refuses to talk to any Ubuntu machine I
am unable to navigate to the workgroup as I get the error messages I
mentioned in my previous posting

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 27    

Are you sharing your Linux files from a Windows workstation or Windows files
from your Linux box? It makes a difference.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 27    


Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 27    

OK I'm comming to the conclusion that basically Samba is broken on
this machine I know it is on the other though it does see other machines.

So can anyone tell me how I get Samba back to it's out of the box
default settings? I'll try and sstart all over again as there's simply
too much guff in Samba that means diddly squat to me and I'm lost with
it so it would be better to start over

Any help out there guys ????

oh one reason I'm comming to this conclusion is I got this error
message a few times
sh: winbindd: not found

as I say it means diddly squat to me

Answer #6    Answered On: Dec 27    

use synaptic to completely remove the installed samba components then

Answer #7    Answered On: Dec 27    

Did that and I'm still stuck with the screwed up settings :o(

I think I need to get rid of the old Samba config files so that the
re-install then puts a default config set up into the machine. Of
course I'm unable to delete the config files in /etc/samba/ as they
are write protected :o(

So I'm still stuck with machines not wanting to speak to or see each other

Answer #8    Answered On: Dec 27    

I'm making some progress at last I had to uninstall
absoloutely everything remotely related to samba Rboot and then
reinstall Samba and at last I can see my Windows machines again. Only
I can't see the Linux machine from the Windows machines and I've lost
some programs along the way too which I'll have to reinstall as and
when I remember what they were one out of interest was Rhthmbox

So any suggestions as to how I see my Linux machine from my Windows
machines would be greatefully recieved as this is where it all went
horribly wrong last time

Answer #9    Answered On: Dec 27    

go to samba under administration and create the shares you want. that
should do it

Answer #10    Answered On: Dec 27    

there is no Samba under administration. Not sure I ever had it
there to be honest.

I have set up shares by right clicking folders and sharing folder I
select Windows (SMB) I can confirm the folders are set to shared as
they are listed when I go to >System >Administration >Shared Folders
and they are listed there too So I don't believe I'm doing anything wrong.

Any ideas as to why the PC is invisible Windows side ? It used to
display before though I was never able to get into it

Answer #11    Answered On: Dec 27    

Now this is crazy somehow it's under MSHome which is the last place on
earth I' would have set the PC to be so now I have to find how to
change it's workgroup to my workgroup and not Microsofts !

Answer #12    Answered On: Dec 27    

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

the workgroup is right near the top

or you can add the gui system-config-samba from synaptic

Answer #13    Answered On: Dec 27    

Unfortunately though there's nowhere in the config file that mentions
MSHOME in anyway shape or form so I've no idea as to why this PC
appears in the MSHOME workgroup and not the Workgroup which is set in
the config file.

Where do I find the GUI to run it once I've installed it?

I've found Samba in the >Sytem > Administration menu Is that what you
are referring to ? and yes in there it says CASTERBRIDGE which is the
Workgroup that I set it to.

I'd very much appreciate any help sorting this out as it makes no
sense to me at all.

Answer #14    Answered On: Dec 27    

no problems. beats working on my papers. Nice thing about the Ubuntu
community is how experience gets shared.

Answer #15    Answered On: Dec 27    

Trouble is though it's still convinced it's in MSHOME and it's not
fixed it despite the Samba interface saying it's not in MSHOME and
likewise the config file :o(

Any ideas where this MSHOME is coming from and how to fix it?

Answer #16    Answered On: Dec 27    

At this point I am out of ideas other than threatening it with a big

MSHOME is a nod to the many users coming from windows that have never
changed a default setting.

maybe the folks at http://ubuntuforums.org/ networking and wireless
forum can do better than I.

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