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Log4j Deployment Problem

  Asked By: Kerri    Date: May 14    Category: Java    Views: 848

I am facing a problem with log4j configuration.
I am using two classes in my application.One is a servlet and another is a java class.In that
java class I wrote some functions for using LOG4J requests in a simple manner.In servlet, I
called those functions for using log4j.I am using a XML configuration file .
Whenever I deployed it to J2ee server it gives some arror like-
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (mypack.ConfigureLog).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Now some are telling that I should keep the XML file in "WEB-INF\classes" directory .But I
am not able to include the XML file in that directory by j2ee deploytool.
When I add it, its getting added outside "WEB-INF" directory.
Can anyone please tell me how to package the WAR file along with the log4j xml properties



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Freddie Evans     Answered On: May 14

I don't know what's wrong with deploytool but you can add  the configuration  file
to the
WEB-INF/classes using a zip program like WinZip.

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