I have a link on one of my pages that will open a
small pop up window to display some information. For
some reason when it opens the page I get the login
page and have to login before I can see the pop up
window, other times it just opens up the window and
shows me the information like I want it to. Does
anyone have an idea of what could be going on with
this? I am using Javascript to open the window.
This is what my security looks like in the web.config
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms name="TQSPMAuth" path="/"
loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30">
<deny users="?" />
<!-- <allow users="[comma separated
list of users]"
roles="[comma separated
list of roles]"/>
<deny users="[comma separated
list of users]"
roles="[comma separated
list of roles]"/>