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Rendering Problems

  Asked By: Jimmy    Date: Sep 07    Category: Asp.net    Views: 863

I am using VISUAL STUDIO.NET to design my asp.net pages and all my pages are
coded with code-behind. Here is the problem...

As soon as I create a sub directory I get a Page Render Error when I try to
access aspx pages in this directory on the internet. Any other file type (e.g.
html) works fine in a sub directory. I have re-compiled my application before I
uploaded it, but still get the same error.

ALSO - when I look on my localhost, it works fine - but on the server I get the



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jamie Williams     Answered On: Sep 07

My only suggestion is that it's to do with web virtual directories at the server
? Since .NET maintenace for server  staff is minimum, no registrations, no
setting errors pages, etc, no asking them to create  virtual directories.

VS.NET creates the virt dir when you upload it, it can be a bit confusing and if
you try renaming one they all sorts can go wrong that you can't do anything
about; indeed, from what I remember deleting a vd and then recreating the folder
as a non vd it will likely become a vd, don't know whether a server restart
sorts it, it's a pain.

I suggest you write to your host and ask them to check they are set up
correctly, makbe one of these sub folders has somehow become a virtual dir ?

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