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need IDE

  Asked By: Kevin    Date: Feb 28    Category: Java    Views: 697

i need some IDE for java...
i used kawa which was very good... and has feautures like mapping
documentation & also code completions.
now i don't have that type of IDE. can anyone suggest me some IDE to which i
can get feautures like mapping documentation & also code completions.



10 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Constance Reid     Answered On: Feb 28

I started on Kawa and flipped to Intellij Idea after Kawa went away. Kawa was
but Idea is better. 99% of the Kawa features are there and many other features
been added or improved. For the record I think all of the major IDE's
JDeveloper, Eclipse, Idea, Forte, ...) have the features you listed.

Answer #2    Answered By: Este Ferrrari     Answered On: Feb 28

Seems like we just had this discussion... :)

If you're doing applications, applets,
and JavaBeans, Borland's JBuilder Personal
edition is excellent. No server integration
in the free versions. It has code  completion,
JavaDoc generation, and an a top-notch
debugger. Comes with its own version of
J2SDK 1.4.


Answer #3    Answered By: Channarong Boonliang     Answered On: Feb 28

I used JBuilder v9 and I found it to be heavy weight and bloaty. I am
sure if you need to use a big section of the features it would be
fantastic, but if you are still learning ... I would think it is
probably to heavy.

Answer #4    Answered By: Abagail Cohen     Answered On: Feb 28

JBuilder Enterprise, yeah, but JBuilder
Personal is just a subset of all that
and not so unreasonable for a beginner.
I find the UI delightful, but that's
probably a matter of taste.

I was disappointed when Sun stopped
offering Forte CE, because I liked
that one very much. But I guess
Forte lives on as Netbeans? (Someone
please clarify that for me.) Forte
was what I first used, and if
Netbeans is essentially the same
product, I can heartily recommend
that one as well. Didn't think
the UI was as slick as JBuilder,
but it was effective and solid.

Answer #5    Answered By: Daisy Phillips     Answered On: Feb 28

Netbeans is good, if you can get over the very sun way of handling files.

Answer #6    Answered By: Keiko Mori     Answered On: Feb 28

Netbeans is good, if you can get over the very sun way of handling files.

Answer #7    Answered By: Code Guru     Answered On: Feb 28

IntelliJ IDEA, it isn't too bloaty yet feature rich.

Answer #8    Answered By: Qadriyyah Malik     Answered On: Feb 28

A very good, yet unknown IDE is GEL (http://www.gexperts.com). It's
small (3.8 megs), it has code  completion, not sure about mapping
documentation. And best of all, It's free. It used to be developed
actively, but now the last version available is from august 1, 2003.

Answer #9    Answered By: Terry Williams     Answered On: Feb 28

I have been using Eclipse while learning. I have used other dev
environments (non-Java) in my past and I find Eclipse to be beyond
exceptional. No experience yet with other IDE¡Çs.

Answer #10    Answered By: Casey Montgomery     Answered On: Feb 28

Sun ONE is the one I use and highly recommend. It is the proper
replacement for Forte I think. It's very processor and memory hungry
though, so you need a fast machine. I use an Athlon XP 1800+ with
512MB of RAM and it runs sweetly!! Its got everything Forte had with
more. Only thing is that I dont know if the free version is still
available (Sun ONE Community Edition is the free version).

Give it a try...its 120MB with jsdk1.4.1.

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