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Hotmail.com and Firefox

  Date: Dec 02    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 546

While using Firefox for Hotmail.com I notice the emails to which I reply to do
not get put into the window when clicking to reply, is this a java issue? How
may I fix this?



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 02    

You won't find many Linux users on Hotmail. You might do better to ask a
Windows forum as Firefox works in Windows too. If you have java installed
then it should not be the problem. It is more likely that Microsoft is
changing web standards arbitrarily as they are prone to do to keep other
browsers at a disadvantage. This is only opinion as I do not use Hotmail or
anything Microsoft.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 02    

What version of Firefox are you using? A quick google search
suggested this is a bug that was created with 3.6. Clearing system
cache and cookies seemed to be a temporary solution for some. Others
suggested switching from rich to plain text as a workaround. If you
can setup your hotmail account to be checked through thunderbird or
evolution, you would probably be fine too... Not sure if MS allows
that though.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 02    

3.6.3, what do you mean by clearing system cache? I only clear the internet
browser cache.

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 02    

Yep, I mean internet browser cache. Just made a mental typo.
Granted, I was only repeating what I saw on some of the sites. I did
a google search with the terms "hotmail include original message in
reply" and browsed a few of the responses since I wasn't able to
replicate it on my hotmail account (I don't actually use that account
anymore other than a junk email for registration on various sites).

The following link appears to be the related bug report for the
behavior you describe:

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 02    

it has worked fine before... I tried to open hotmail with seamonkey, and it
took ages to load a page but I think perhaps that was hotmails fault.

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