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  Asked By: Michael    Date: Jun 05    Category: Java    Views: 827

Can anyone out there help me? I am attempting to get
a JTable lay on the top of a Document editor. So far,
I've been able to get the table to lay on the editor
by placing it into the glass pane of the editor's
class. However, when I set the "setOpapue()" to false
and set the background of the table to null, the only
thing that i get is the color gray behind the grid of
the table. Hence, I still unable to see the text in
the document editor, which is located directly behind
the Jtable. My goal is to be able to have the JTable
serve as a coordinates grid over the document editor.

Can ANYONE help me with this delima. I just want a
truely TRANPARENT JTABLE that I can place in the
GlassPane of a TextEditor. Hence, I want to be able
to see text in the editor when the grid is visible.



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