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Excel VB form controls going invisible?

  Asked By: Anpu    Date: Nov 05    Category: MS Office    Views: 847

I was hoping
someone could help me with my problem. I built an Excel app and used
VB controls. The controls appear on most computers on which I
deployed the app but on some machines the controls appear just
instantaneously when the app is opened and then disappear.

Have any of you seen this situation before?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Jawahir Burki     Answered On: Nov 05

I think this is about installation of Office. When installing Office if you
don't choose VBE,then it doesn't install it and you have less amount of DLL's
than typical installation. I think you must reinstall(Just add VBE) on that PC.
This is my idea.It can be wrong. I hope ur first question will be satisfied by

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