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Distributed system for university student records

  Asked By: Sean    Date: Jun 23    Category: Java    Views: 1766

The brief scenario:

A university with 3 geographically separate campuses is to implement
a distributed system to maintain student records using Java RMI.
There will be a server for each campus. Each server maintains
information for local students only. Access to a server can only be
achieved from the local campus. However, the servers may
communicate with each other.

The distributed nature of the system needs to be hidden from users.
Clients access the local server even if their information is on a
remote server. Students may only access their own records. They
can only modify certain fields in their record.

Campus administrators access the records of any student, but can
only modify records of students belonging to their own campus. They
can create and de-activate records.


I know how to implement this with one server and client object, but
have no idea how to achieve this with multiple client types and
server objects. How do you get the local server to communicate with
the other servers if the record is not found on the local server?

I have read up on Java RMI, but can't find any sample code that
covers this scenario.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Rosie Hughes     Answered On: Jun 23

You may find  some ideas in

Process Development Guide for Sun ONE Integration Server


Answer #2    Answered By: Freya Brown     Answered On: Jun 23

If you implement  your servers  with Session Beans and Entity beans, they can help you very much. you can use a Session Bean for decision making about getting
obtating value objects  from local  entries or from other server  session bean!

But i f you have problem  about use EJB Techniques you can use this pattern with you RMI Server. So you Required one DataAccess Controller whic speaks with you clients. This controller is resposible to getting Data from Local Database or from Another Server by calling and RMI call to it.either the data obtained from Local Database or Remote Server it must be delivered as a Value object  ( See Value Object or Data Transfer Object patterns)

you can define a unique interface for client  to Server and Server to Server Calling. because when a Server asks another server it's like that a Client calls Its local server!

It can be even implemented by a Web Service if you can use Apache Tomact and AXIS toolkit. if you use web services then more client application can use your server services. such as Delphi based Application or .Net Application. It's more scalable!!!

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