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create a STUDENT class

  Asked By: Es    Date: Jan 23    Category: C++ Programming    Views: 713

Write a program in C++ to create a STUDENT class having class name of student maximum of 20 characters and the (wholenumber) individual marks in four test s and the average (whole number) of these four tests as element of class .also number function AVG ( ), READDATA () and DISPLAY () of the class .read the value of N as a number of student. And their names and respective marks in four tests and store these N student object in the program dynamically .now process this information in member function AVG () to find the average of marks of these N individual students and store them in the average data number of these N object .if the reminder of the average than or equal to 50% of the divisor increment the average by one. Print the name and average of the tests for all students



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