Please help me to prepare with a student enrollment and examination database
Below are high-level entities, attributes and characteristics.
1. Student enrollment information- Name and Address
2. Student course-details-Courses and subject
3. Student exam details – Exam types, frequencies and marks
4. Fee details-Include - various fees for students and subject fees information
Based on the above information please write table script, enter the data and create relationships between tables.
Once completed please run below queries
1. Student name, account number, zip code, address, exams by test for all subjects
2. Student name, account number, zip code and total marks (e.g. final exams)
3. Print top 3 student names, account, zip code by subject (assuming 6 subjects we need to print 18 rows)
4. Give me subjects where all students have passed
5. Get the unique list of names who have failed in all the subjects (if a student fails in English in finals, he fails in finals)