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Direct X Equivilent for Ubuntu (Linux)

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 449

I have most of my Ubuntu questions answered here without even
asking - LoL. Now I have one that I just can't seem to got a handle
on; is there an substitute for "Direct X" in the Linux World? Right
now I am Tri-Booting my box with WINXP, WIN 7 Beta, and Ubuntu 8.10.
I am soon going to install MagicJack on my box and my research seems
to indicate a need for Direct X to utilize it. I now Dan has said he
is "working on" a linux version of MagicJack software, but who knows
when it will be a accomplished, so looking for a possible answer to
the problem. Thanks ...



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

I believe that there is more than just DirectX for the MagicJack. There
is a Windows based program that resides inside the adapter. It wont even
run on my Windows2K machine.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 12    

Yeah, After I got a little sleep, I did another search and come up with
a better idea of the setup. Come accross one persons blab that said the
only way to run MagicJack in Linux that he could get to work, was to use
VMware with winxp (I think) ISO. He said that it worked great for him.
Said WINE was a wasted effort in this situation. I will try it once I
receive my MJ. Currently retired to the Philippines, so I would like to
get MJ to work so I can call the folks at home without having to "skip
meals"..................Thanks, will let you all know if/when I get it
up and running..........

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