I read that "Richard M Stallman Joins EFF, Calls Ubuntu A Spyware"Any comments?
That is my comment to Stallman.What does he call Windows???
He says that Ubuntu is behaving like Windows in that details ofUsers searches are being sent to Canonical.
Can you post that?I would like to read that.
could'nt find his ass in his boxer shorts
Windows is the best thing since stale bread!
www.muktware.com/.../richard-m-stallman-joins-eff-calls-ubuntu-spyware\UMO2un9QDSwOk. After reading that - Im not very happy about that myself.
arstechnica.com/.../ubuntu-bakes-amazon-search-results-into-\os-to-raise-cash/I'd resent it. I've got an Android phone and having an awful time trying toavoid freaking Google.I don't mind their services, but on MY terms.