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convert from Windows to Linux

  Date: Dec 12    Category: Unix / Linux / Ubuntu    Views: 494

I'm ready to convert from
Windows to Linux and I downloaded a copy of ubuntu 8.04.1 and 8.10. Both burned
in as a boot disk but both boot up in DRDOS. I understand that DRDOS is Novel's
version of MS DOS that they used to install their version of UNIX. Did I do
something wrong? I don't know if it is right or how to install it. I can buy a
copy on ebay for about $3.50 and am about to do it but would like to be able too
install it today.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered On: Dec 12    

Did you download the images from Ubuntu?

What you should see is a screen with Ubuntu and a progress screen and
then the start of questions to install.

Answer #2    Answered On: Dec 12    

I did and I think I burned it as a data disk even though I
specified boot disk.

Answer #3    Answered On: Dec 12    

I did it several times when I was on windows. No worries then :D

Answer #4    Answered On: Dec 12    

Have you ever burned an ISO before? It sounds like you burned it as a data disk
instead of an ISO. An ISO is a compressed file format for a whole disk. In this
case it is a bootable CD. To burn it you must open it in the burning programme.
There are instructions for that on the Ubuntu site:

When you have burned the file properly you won't see a file on the disk called
*.ISO, but instead you will see all of the files contained in the ISO.

Answer #5    Answered On: Dec 12    

I did burn an Windows 2003 ISO eval and it worked but that was a
long time ago and I'm sure you are right. I'll check on your instructions link
and try it again.

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