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Constant Range Bars

  Asked By: Sienna    Date: Mar 06    Category: MS Office    Views: 872

Has anyone (successfully) programmed, in VBA, Constant Range Bars, as
explained at ensignsoftware.com/tips/tradingtips49.htm#Momentum
. I want to display the bars, realtime, in a workbook chart.

The bars are sometimes called Momentum bars, but they are different
than the Momentum bars that have been around for a while.

Of course, the bars are constructed from streaming financial data that
are collected and stored on a worksheet. That part is finished.
Constructing the bar, so far, has been an elusive target.



5 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Ella Oliver     Answered On: Mar 06

Have you looked at the "stock" type of chart. Takes three series, giving high,
low and close for the bars. It also seems happy with just two series - omitting
the close figures.

This looks appropriate, you just need to put the required values into the data

Answer #2    Answered By: Alok Iit     Answered On: Mar 06

No no. This is not the usual high, low, close bar  used in stock and
future charts. That's the point. This type of bar is constructed
differently. There is no "time" dimension.

Answer #3    Answered By: Lucinda Hall     Answered On: Mar 06

True, but I think Dave has still pointed you in the right

To get a bar  chart, you need at least hi/lo/close (if you
want to use an Excel chart) -- so just set close to the HI
or LO.

And there is certainly a horizontal axis to your chart.. it
does not measure time, it measures bars. Your subroutine
will need to do the math to figure out when a new bar is
called for. Nonetheless, it would still be bar 1, bar 2,
etc in the data  series.

Answer #4    Answered By: Rosie Brooks     Answered On: Mar 06

As far as I could see, you can omit the "close" series completely. It appears
to work fine with just hi/lo.

Answer #5    Answered By: Fabiano Ferrrari     Answered On: Mar 06

> As far as I could see, you can omit the "close" series completely.
It appears to work fine with just hi/lo.
I probably was not clear enough in my question. I am not looking for
direction on how to plot the parameter; rather, I was asking if anyone
had already developed the Excel VBA code for determining if a new bar
is needed, predicated on the constant  range selected.

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