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Insert Rows, based on data in range, using VBA

  Asked By: Lamberta    Date: Sep 02    Category: MS Office    Views: 1637

I’ve used excel extensively for a
number of years but I’ve really only begun to explore all of the higher-end
capabilities in the last year or so. I’ve been reading about / learning VBA
for the past few months. I mainly use it for work to do financial modeling
and to automate some of the routinized things I have to do.

I’ve enjoyed reading the questions put forth and will endeavor to jump-in and
help someone else when the opportunity arises.

I’m trying to write a Macro to automatically insert rows between based on data
in a range.

I’ve got a list of data columns:
Record Number, Termination Date, Cost, Schedule Number, etc. there are several
rows of data that have the same Schedule Number and I want to be able to
select the whole range, and have rows be inserted between different Schedule

I’ve got a macro that auto inserts rows but, as is, it is really no better
than using the drop down menu in excel.

Sub Test1()
Range(ActiveCell, Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 10,

End Sub

Any ideas?



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