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Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper - 2 of year 2004

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 1820

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper - 2 of year 2004.


1  Answer the following in terms of dynamic modeling of OMT.
(a) Define action and activity. Differentiate them with examples.3
(b) Explain the types of actions/activities for a given state of an object, along with the diagrammatic notations. In which order they will get executed?3
(c) What will happen if the system crashes at different possible places in that execution order? Explain different situations with examples.3
2  (a) Explain the concepts of object orientation, which are in ‘SYNERGY’.4
(b) Write a note on recursive aggregation.4


2(a) How one can workaround to multiple inheritance? Show the examples.4
(b) Describe the relationships among different models of OMT.4
3  (a) Draw class diagram and collaboration diagram for an application of simple calculator. NOTE : The collaboration diagram MUST match to the class diagram.4
(b) Explain in detail : UML views.4


3(a) Draw use case diagram and activity diagram for college placement mgmt system.4
(b) Write a note on patterns and metadata and their relationship.4


4  (a) Justify with example : “CGI is state-less”. How this can be removed?3
(b) Briefly explain following concepts of UML with examples :
1.focus of control and lifeline
2.swimlane and object flow
3.include and extend6
5Explain in detail :
a.IDL and its importance in CORBA.
b.ORB versus RPC
c.Static method invocation in CORBA
d.Reverse engineering in UML8
5  (a) Write a detailed note on CORBA services.4
(b) Develop a small CORBA application to display current time of server on client machine.4
6  (a) Explain the concept and mechanism of dynamic stub downloading in RMI.4
(b) Develop a Servlet, which will show the session tracking capabilities.4


6(a) Explain with the diagram -  java datagram scenario.4
(b) Develop an RMI application, which gets a list of numbers from the client, sends to server. Server finds the min, max and average of these numbers and sends back to the client. On client side, the original list and the results sent from the server will be displayed.4

Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods university paper - 2 of year 2004 is from India.
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