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Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2001

Posted By: Milind Mishra     Category: OOAD     Views: 1416

Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2001.

Q - 1)Answer the following.

(a)Discuss 3 tier client/server object style with diagram. (5)
(b)Discuss briefly the various classes and interfaces generated by idl2java compiler. (4)
(c)Explain :  ( any 1 ) 
(i)dynamic invocation interface and dynamic skeleton interface
(ii)Persistence service and transaction service(3)


Q - 1)Answer the following.

(a)What is CORBA business object? Discuss it in terms of model/view/controller paradigm.(5)
(b)Discuss the benefits of using Object Web over traditional CGI.(4)
(c)Explain :  ( any 1 ) 
(i)Life-cycle service and Naming Service
(ii)Object adapter and ORB interface(3)

Q - 2)Answer the following.

(a)What happens when a client browser requests a JSP page? Explain with diagram.(6)
(b)What are the innovative features of RMI over CORBA/IIOP ? Explain.(6)
(c)Attempt any 1.
(i)Explain : Servlet is extending CGI as a request/response paradigm. 
(ii)Explain briefly servlet HTTP interfaces and classes.(4)


Q - 2)Answer the following.

(a)What is ‘implicit object’? Where are they not available? Briefly describe five implicit objects.(6)
(b)Attempt Any 2.
(i)Differentiate : InputStream, DataInputStream and BufferedInputStream. 
(ii)Explain : “CGI is state-less”. How can you remove this restriction ? 
(iii)What is Reference Count ? Why it is needed ?(6)
(c)What is Dynamic Stub Loading  in RMI ? Explain its mechanism.(4)
Q - 3)Answer any 2.

(a)Write a JSP application using a Javabean for ‘Person’ with one attribute ‘name’ and one method, which will return ‘ Hello (name)’ message on client interface.
(b)Write a Servlet program, which will indicate the client browser that how many  times this page has been accessed.
(c)Develop a CORBA application for accepting a string from client, reversing the string on server and displaying the result on client.(12)


Milind Mishra
Milind Mishra author of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Methods second sessional paper - 1 of year 2001 is from India.
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