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Program of K-Way Merge

Posted By: Vinicius Costa     Category: C Programming     Views: 4073

Write a program of K-Way Merge.

Code for Program of K-Way Merge in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

#define N 80
#define K 2            // K-way merge.#define DATAFILE "main.txt"#define TEMPFILE "temp.txt"

typedef struct node node;
typedef enum {FALSE, TRUE} bool;

struct node {
    int val;
    char s[N];

node buf[K];        // buffer used for merging.int  rec[K];        // record numbers of nodes in buffer.int getNRecords( char *filename ) {
* returns no of records in file filename using size of the file.
int off; FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "r" ); fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END ); off = ftell(fp)/sizeof(node); // no of records. fclose(fp); return off; } void writeToFile( char *filename, node *n ) { /*
* writes record n to file filename.
FILE *fp = fopen( filename, "a" ); fwrite( n, sizeof(node), 1, fp ); fclose(fp); } void readFromFile( char *filename, node *n, int off ) { /*
* reads a record at offset off from file filename into n.
* off is number of records before the record in the file (NOT bytes).
* off starts from 0.
FILE *fp; //printf( "reading rec no %d...\n", off );if( off >= getNRecords(filename) ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: reading beyond the file.\n" ); return; } printf("total records are %d\n",getNRecords(filename)); fp = fopen( filename, "r" ); fseek( fp, off*sizeof(node), SEEK_CUR ); fread( n, sizeof(node), 1, fp ); fclose(fp); } void writeFun( char *filename ) { /*
* writes some data to filename.
node data[10] = { {5,"five"}, {3,"three"}, {4,"four"}, {8,"eight"}, {7,"seven"}, {6,"six"}, {9,"nine"}, {10,"ten"}, {1,"one"}, {2,"two"} }; int i; for( i=0; i<10; ++i ) writeToFile( filename, data+i ); } void readFun( char *filename ) { /*
* reads filename and prints the data.
node n; int i, nrec = getNRecords(filename); for( i=0; i<nrec; ++i ) { readFromFile( filename, &n, i ); printf( "%2d={%2d,%-5s}.\n", i, n.val, n.s ); } } void copyrec( int *rec, int *rec2 ) { int i; *rec2 = *rec; for( i=0; i<K; ++i ) rec2[i] = rec[i]; } void fillbuf( int start, int l, int nrec, char *srcfile ) { /*
* fills buf and rec with appropriate values.
* l is length of each run.
* start is rec no of first rec in first run.
* data is in srcfile in nrec records.
int i; printf( "start=%d l=%d.\n", start, l ); for( i=0; i<K; ++i ) { int startoff = start+l*i; if( startoff >= nrec ) break; rec[i] = startoff; printf( "buf[%d]=%d.\n", i, startoff ); readFromFile( srcfile, buf+i, startoff ); } for( ; i<K; ++i ) rec[i] = -1; getchar(); } void updatebuf( node *buf, int *rec, int *rec2, int prevrec, int l, char *srcfile, int nrec ) { /*
* updates buf+rec2 as rec2[prevrec] was output.
* read appropriate record from srcfile if necessary.
* rec still contains the original rec nos which can be used for
* checking ends of runs.
* l is runlength.
if( rec2[prevrec] < nrec-1 && rec2[prevrec] < rec[prevrec]+l-1 ) { // rec2[prevrec] was NOT the last rec of that run. rec2[prevrec]++; readFromFile( srcfile, buf+prevrec, rec2[prevrec] ); } else { // rec2[prevrec] was the last rec of that run. rec2[prevrec] = -1; // job of this run is over. } } int getMin( node *buf, int *rec2 ) { /*
* returns index in buf of that record which has min sorting value.
* rec2 is needed for checking whether a buf entry is valid.
int minval = 9999; int minindex = -1; int i; for( i=0; i<K; ++i ) if( rec2[i] != -1 && buf[i].val < minval ) { minval = buf[i].val; minindex = i; } return minindex; } void merge( char *srcfile, char *dstfile, node *buf, int *rec2, int l, int nrec ) { /*
* rec2 contains record numbers being compared; global rec also contains
* the same at this point.
* buf contains their actual data.
* l is runlength.
* srcfile is needed for reading next data.
* the data is appended to dstfile.
* total no of records being written is min(l*k,nrec-rec[0]).
int totalrec = l*K; int i; int nrecremaining = nrec-rec[0]; // no of rec in srcfile yet to be written to dstfile.if( nrecremaining < totalrec ) totalrec = nrecremaining; printf( "totalrec=%d nrecremaining=%d.\n", totalrec, nrecremaining ); for( i=0; i<totalrec; ++i ) { int nextrec = getMin( buf, rec2 ); // here goes the comparison. printf( "after getMin: min=%d rec2=%d %d %d buf=%d %d %d.\n", nextrec, rec2[0], rec2[1], rec2[2], buf[0].val, buf[1].val, buf[2].val ); if( nextrec == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: merge(): all rec2 are -1!\n" ); return; } //printf( "min=%d.\n", nextrec );// this is the index in rec2 of next record to be output. writeToFile( dstfile, buf+nextrec ); // remove this written record. read new record from srcfile if needed. updatebuf( buf, rec, rec2, nextrec, l, srcfile, nrec ); //printf( "after updatebuf : rec2=%d %d %d.\n", rec2[0], rec2[1], rec2[2] ); } } void mergedriver( char *srcfile, char *dstfile ) { /*
* sort+merge srcfile and store in dstfile.
int nrec = getNRecords(srcfile); int i, l; int rec2[K]; char tempname[N]; for( l=1; l<nrec; l*=K ) { // l is length of each run.// no of runs = ceil( nrec/l );// we need to consider only K runs at a time.for( i=0; i<nrec; i+=l*K ) { // fill buf with appropriate values. fillbuf( i, l, nrec, srcfile ); copyrec( rec, rec2 ); merge( srcfile, dstfile, buf, rec2, l, nrec ); } unlink( srcfile ); strcpy( tempname, srcfile ); strcpy( srcfile, dstfile ); strcpy( dstfile, tempname ); } // sorted file is srcfile. printf( "\n\n\n" ); readFun( srcfile ); } int main() { char srcfile[N] = DATAFILE; char dstfile[N] = TEMPFILE; unlink( srcfile ); unlink( dstfile ); writeFun( srcfile ); readFun( srcfile ); printf( "nrec=%d.\n", getNRecords(srcfile) ); mergedriver( srcfile, dstfile ); return 0; }

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Vinicius Costa
Vinicius Costa author of Program of K-Way Merge is from Salvador, Brazil.
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