Algorithm for Selection Sort
1.[Loop on pass index]
Repeat through step 4 for pass=1 to n-1.
2.Initialize minindex
minindex <--- pass.
3.[Make a pass and obtain element with smallest value]
Repeat for i=pass+1,pass+2,….n.
If k[i] < k[minindex]
then minindex <--- i.
4.[Exchange the elements]
If minindex!=pass
then k[pass] interchange with k[minindex].
Algorithm for Bubble Sort
1.Initialize last <--- N.
2.[Loop on pass index]
Repeat through step 5 for pass=1,2…n-1.
3.[Initialize exchange ctr for this pass]
exchs <--- 0.
4.[Perform pair wise comparison on unsorted elements]
Repeat for i=1,2,….last - 1.
If k[i] > k[I+1]
then interchange both of them.
exchs <--- exchs + 1.
5.[Check for Exchanges]
If exchs=0
then return [mission complete early]
last <--- last – 1.
Algorithm for Merge Sort
i <--- first
j <--- second
k <--- 0.
2.[Compare corresponding element and output smallest]
while i<second and j>=third
if k[i] <= k[j]
then l <--- l + 1
s[l] <--- k[i]
i <--- i + 1
l <--- l + 1
s[l] <--- k[j]
j <--- j + 1.
3.[Copy the remaining elements]
if i >=second
then repeat while j<=third
l <--- l + 1
s[l] <--- k[j]
j <---- j + 1.
repeat while i<second
l <--- l + 1
s[l] <--- k[i]
i <---- i + 1.
Algorithm for Quick Sort
g <--- lb + 1
s <--- ub
flag <--- 0
key <--- sortarray [lb]
2.[Check we have single element array or not]
if lb < ub
[Repeat until key value is position at its final position]
while flag =0
[Position g no greater than key]
Repeat while sortarray [g] < key
Increment g by 1.
Repeat while sortarray [s] > key
Decrement s by 1.
[Check whether s is pointing to lower position]
if g < s
[Exchange values of g and s]
flag = 1
[Exchange the s with key position]
Call quicksort (sortarray,lb,s-1)
Call quicksort (sortarray,s+1,ub)
Algorithm for Insertion Sort
key <--- 1
2.[Following loop makes the elements sortarray [0] through sortarray [key] in order by inserting the element sortarray [key] at its pos. initially sortarray [0] may be through of as sorted array].
Repeat while key < size
temp <--- sortarray [key]
ctr <--- key – 1
Repeat while ctr >=0 and tamp <sortarray [ctr]
sortarray [ctr+1] <--- sortarray [ctr]
sortarray [ctr+1] <--- temp