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Inventory report

Posted By: Liam Evans     Category: C Programming     Views: 4918

Program to display an inventory report.

Code for Inventory report in C Programming

#define ITEMS 4                                             
   {  /* BEGIN */
int i, quantity[5]; float rate[5], value, total_value; char code[5][5]; /* READING VALUES */
i = 1; while ( i <= ITEMS) { printf("Enter code, quantity, and rate:"); scanf("%s %d %f", code[i], &quantity[i],&rate[i]); i++; } /*.......Printing of Table and Column Headings.......*/
printf("\n\n"); printf(" INVENTORY REPORT \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Code Quantity Rate Value \n"); printf("-------------------------------------------\n"); /*.......Preparation of Inventory Position..........*/
total_value = 0; i = 1; while ( i <= ITEMS) { value = quantity[i] * rate[i]; printf("%5s %10d %10.2f %e\n",code[i],quantity[i], rate[i],value); total_value += value; i++; } /*.......Printing of End of Table..................*/
printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); printf(" Total Value = %e\n",total_value); printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); } /* END */
Output Enter code, quantity, and rate:F105 275 575.00 Enter code, quantity, and rate:H220 107 99.95 Enter code, quantity, and rate:I019 321 215.50 Enter code, quantity, and rate:M315 89 725.00 INVENTORY REPORT ----------------------------------------------- Code Quantity Rate Value ----------------------------------------------- F105 275 575.00 1.581250e+005 H220 107 99.95 1.069465e+004 I019 321 215.50 6.917550e+004 M315 89 725.00 6.452500e+004 ----------------------------------------------- Total Value = 3.025202e+005 -----------------------------------------------

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Liam Evans
Liam Evans author of Inventory report is from London, United Kingdom.
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