Write a program to describe The Functionality of merging two files in a single file.
identification division. program-id. mergetest. environment division. input-output section. file-control. select onefile assign to disk organization is line sequential. select twofile assign to disk organization is line sequential. select mergefile assign to disk select masterfile assign to disk organization is line sequential. data division. file section. fd onefile label records are standard value of file-id is"one.txt". 01 one-rec. 05 o-no pic 99. 05 o-name pic x(20). fd onefile. label records are standard value of file-id is"two.txt". 01 two-rec. 05 t-no pic 99. 05 t-name pic x(20). sd mergefile. 01 merge-rec. 05 m-no pic 99. 05 m-name pic x(20). fd masterfile. label records are standard value of file-id is"master.txt". 01 master-rec pic x(80). working-storage section. 01 eof pic x value"y". procedure division. main-para. open output onefile. open output twofile. display "First File Data. . . ". perform until eof="n" display "Number: " with no advancing accept o-no display "Name: " with no advancing accept o-name write one-rec display "Continue [Y/N]: " with no advancing accept eof end-perform. close one-file. move "y" to eof. display "Second File Data. . . ". perform until eof="n" display "Number: " with no advancing accept t-no display "Name: " with no advancing accept t-name write one-rec display "Continue [Y/N]: " with no advancing accept eof end-perform. close two-file. merge merge-file on ascending key m-no using one-file two-file giving master-file. stop run. /********************************************************************************************** INPUT FILE One.TXT**********************************************************************************************/ 01PREMKIRAN 02MANISH 10JINAL 15RASHMI /********************************************************************************************** INPUT FILE Two.TXT**********************************************************************************************/ 11PREMKIRAN1 22MANISH1 13JINAL1 10RASHMI1 /********************************************************************************************** OUTPUT FILE Master.TXT**********************************************************************************************/ 01PREMKIRAN 02MANISH 10JINAL 15RASHMI 11PREMKIRAN1 22MANISH1 13JINAL1 10RASHMI1