
Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Answers

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  on Dec 07 In Unix / Linux / Ubuntu Category.

Question Answered By: Adah Miller   on Dec 07

It just not Ubuntu! It is the whole Linux/open source movement as a whole. I do
not know how long your class is. It may be time to show several movies in your
class. Or yet new class project to see these on line at their own time. I think
you need to point that out. If Linux was not open source. It would be even a
harder sell.
Revolution OS
The Code Linux.
The videos are very, very, very, very good learning tools where computer
technology is going to go.
MS hates Linux. Even though a great big 0.83% of desk top users use Linux. It
is the server money that MS hates losing from. Either use Unix or Linux. Linux
is free and the main kernel updates are every six months. It is security that MS
does not have.
Windows is every X amount of what they feel that there is a need to do. Right
now! Is a race of a 64 bit stable kernel. Windows, Mac, or Linux. Right now is
Linux that is ahead of the 64 bit game.
It use to be the the hardware companies waiting for the software companies to
catch up. However, the server business reverse that around. It is catch up to
our technology for a father better 6 million dollar man.
Thus the race is on. What is windows 7 is going to bring? Well some one in mom
and dad's basement with time in their hands to hack the MS system. I can think
of a thousand things to do besides of hacking into the holes of MS.
However, what did MS learn? To tell the user if you run in root and the right
commands. You can hose the system. Linux known all along.
With Mac or windows you are given a choice at the candy store. You can have
vanilla flavor. I am sorry but all we have is this flavor. Or you can have
choice between vanilla or all these flavors that Linux has.
You have the freedom of choosing your desk top. You can run Xwindows for older
computers, Gnome, or KDE for newer ones. Does Mac or MS offer that for older
systems. No they don't. You are given vanilla flavor ice cream with nothing on
top a flavor system. MS or Mac does not even offer solutions of how to take a
older system and make it new again. Linux does. You take that old 486 system and
make a new life again. A old system that is now going to the land fill in MS
world. I seen linux O/S take systems as low 386. That brought a old system back
to life.
Now you are going green to pump that old machine that a average. Now you have rid the yard fill and the monitor it came with.



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