We haven't met, Ian, but I confess to being a reformed unixophobe. I'd
been keen to learn unix in the 80s, but eventually I developed a severe
dislike of it back in 1991, because:
1) there were 400 different versions, and not all of them compatible
2) the command line was cryptic (as was CP/M's), whereas MSDOS was in
English: for instance, "pip b a" versus "copy a [to] b" (Can't remember
the unix command, but I know you could "copy" to the printer or the screen
as well as file to file)
3) I was into personal computing, and unix added too many compexities
simply by its (to me unnecessary) power.
When Linux appeared I was scornful: what, yet another flavour? - and only
when I discovered Ubuntu a year or so ago did I finally see the light. Now
I'm definitely vistaphobic.
Mind you I'm still not ready to re-learn the unix command line
heiroglyphs; but happily what you can't do by GUI these days you can do by
cut and paste.