I installed Ubuntu over Windows, and my "startup
dual boot option screen" is the grub loader.
If I do this:
> You need to go into the Control Panel on XP and
> click the System and the Advanced tab. Here you
> chose Startup and click the edit button. You edit
> out the Ubuntu load line and save.
...then there is no Ubuntu load line. Windows
knows nothing about Ubuntu's being there. Did
Townzher load Ubuntu using the Wubu installer?
I never heard of a Windows startup dual boot option
screen, never knew MS would tolerate any other
OS on the same computer -- unless this Wubi
thing? What happens, exactly, in this situation?
Where does Linux reside? Does Windows see it as
a program to run with an option to do at startup?
Or, does Ubunt become a large file that Windows
doesn't recognize as an executable program?