I accept that it was written without malice. However, things often get
magnified and we need to be careful that when we support one distro that it
is not at the expense of another. One person reading it sees it as only the
harmless opinion of one person while another sees it as fact and before you
know it people are thinking that Mint is stable and Ubuntu not. That's how
these things get started. Ubuntu has lots of critics who are looking for
fodder. I am active across the Net and you would be surprised at the amount
of negativity there is towards Ubuntu, Canonical and Mark Shuttleworth. Most
of it is unfounded and it is spread by people who cannot find anything good
to say about any distro save the one that they use. Nobody likes the front
runner and everyone likes to seek advantage. If I sounded critical it is
only because I have seen these things get out of hand many times.