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Algorithms of sequential search and binary search

Posted By: Zachary Evans     Category: C++ Programming     Views: 13634

This article provides an algorithm of sequential search and binary search.

Algorithm for Sequential Search

1.  Initialize searcharray, searchno, length.

2.  Initialize pos=0.

3.  Repeat step 4 till pos<=length.

4.  if searcharray[pos]=searchno
        return pos
        increment pos by 1.

Algorithm for Binary Search

1.  Initialize an ordered array, searcharray, searchno, length.

2.  Initialize low=0 and high=length.

3.  Repeat step 4 till low<=high.

4.  Middle =(low + high) / 2.

5.  if searcharray[middle]=searchno
        Search is successful
        return middle.
    else if searcharray[middle]>searchno[high]
        high=middle - 1
        low=middle + 1.


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Zachary Evans
Zachary Evans author of Algorithms of sequential search and binary search is from London, United Kingdom.
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