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Program to find files with duplicate names using binary search tree

Posted By: George Evans     Category: C Programming     Views: 4342

Program to find files with duplicate names using binary search tree.

Code for Program to find files with duplicate names using binary search tree in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <alloc.h>

struct btreenode
    struct btreenode *leftchild ;
    char data[13] ; /* file name */
char *loc ; /* location of filename */
struct btreenode *rightchild ; } *bt = NULL ; void disktree( ) ; int insert ( struct btreenode **, char*, char* ) ; void main( ) { char current_dir[32] ; clrscr( ) ; getcwd ( current_dir, 32 ) ; chdir ( "\\" ) ; disktree( ) ; chdir ( current_dir ) ; getch( ) ; } void disktree( ) { struct ffblk file ; int flag ; char loc[80] ; getcwd ( loc, 80 ) ; flag = findfirst ( "*.*", &file, FA_NORMAL | FA_RDONLY | FA_HIDDEN | FA_SYSTEM | FA_LABEL | FA_DIREC | FA_ARCH ) ; while ( flag == 0 ) { if ( file.ff_name[0] != '.' ) { if ( file.ff_attrib == FA_DIREC && file.ff_fsize == 0 ) { chdir ( file.ff_name ) ; disktree( ) ; chdir ( loc ) ; } else insert ( &bt, loc, file.ff_name ) ; } flag = findnext ( &file ) ; } } /* inserts a new node in a binary search tree */ int insert ( struct btreenode **sr, char* l, char* f ) { char *p ; int flag ; if ( *sr == NULL ) { *sr = ( struct btreenode * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct btreenode ) ) ; if ( *sr == NULL ) { printf ( "\nOut of memory." ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } ( *sr ) -> leftchild = NULL ; ( *sr ) -> rightchild = NULL ; strcpy ( ( *sr ) -> data, f ) ; p = ( char * ) malloc ( ( strlen ( l ) + 1 ) ) ; if ( p == NULL ) { printf ( "\nOut of memory." ) ; exit ( 1 ) ; } strcpy ( p, l ) ; ( *sr ) -> loc = p ; } else { flag = strcmp ( ( *sr ) -> data, f ) ; if ( flag == 0 ) { printf ( "org: %s", ( *sr ) -> loc ) ; if ( strlen ( ( *sr ) -> loc ) > 4 ) printf ( "\\" ) ; printf ( "%s\n", ( *sr ) -> data ) ; printf ("dup: %s", l ) ; if ( strlen ( l ) > 4 ) printf ( "\\" ) ; printf ( "%s\n\n", f ) ; } elseif ( flag < 0 ) insert ( &( ( *sr ) -> leftchild ), l, f ) ; else insert ( &( ( *sr ) -> rightchild ), l, f ) ; } return ; }

George Evans
George Evans author of Program to find files with duplicate names using binary search tree is from London, United Kingdom.
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