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Cannot execute the macro in break mode

  Asked By: Seth    Date: Aug 24    Category: MS Office    Views: 1787

I am trying to execute a macro but I am repeatedly getting the message "Cannot
execute the macro in break mode' What could be the reason and how do I resolve
this ?



1 Answer Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Richie Smith     Answered On: Aug 24

You are already in the middle of executing another bit of code. Go the
the VBE (Alt-F11), and stop any code from executing by clicking on the
blue square.

Most likely you entered this situation because your code reported an
error, and you selected "Debug". So the VBE is waiting for a response
from you - to either stop the code, or progress through the code with F8
(progress line by line) or "Play" (right pointing arrow - start code, or
continue executing code).

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