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Version 4 macros

  Asked By: Lamberta    Date: Nov 02    Category: MS Office    Views: 642

I have recently got involved in a major project which is written largely in V4
macros (The ones that go in a macro sheet).

Q1. Is there an easy way to convert them or am I stuck with:
a) learning the V4 macros
b) working out what they do
c) writing VBA from scratch to replace them

Q2. Are V4 macros supported in Excel 2007?

Q3. Have MS said if they will discontinue support for them in the future.



2 Answers Found

Answer #1    Answered By: Vicki Fields     Answered On: Nov 02

My understanding is that Excel will just convert  them (perhaps earlier
versions like 97 or 2000 though).

Could well be wrong though.

Answer #2    Answered By: Isra Demir     Answered On: Nov 02

I ran into the same problems with my engineering estimate I
developed for my company which contains 16,300 lines of code. I
pretty much manually transferred the code to the new version. There
were some areas that had to be rewritten, but over all not too bad.

The userforms weren't too bad either, instead of showing a "dialog"
sheet, you just do a search/replace to show the new userforms...

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