Here is the problem that I am having with an Excel spreadsheet
application – While attempting to import text files into an
Access .MDB database through the procedure I have listed below:
This is the calling function:
Sub AddFilesToDatabase()
' --- Asks for files to load and for name of and existing
' or new database into which to load them
' --- Create a new database if necessary, then creates a table
' in that database for each file chosen by the user,
' a different routine is called for this depending on
' whether the file is a data file or a plate map file.
' Lets user choose multiple plate map and well data files,
parsed them and stores
' them in the data base.
' ----------------------------------------------------------
Dim i As Integer, irow As Integer, iSize As Integer
Dim sType As String, sPlateName As String
Dim MsgString As String, DBTableName As String
On Error GoTo ErrDB
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data Sources")
If .Range("DBName") = "" Then
' sDatabaseName = InputBox("Enter a name for the database
that will be created to hold your plate map files and data files.")
' If sDatabaseName = "" Then Exit Sub
' .Range("DBName") = sDatabaseName
' --- Set up the database path and name dialog box
With frmDBPath.CommonDialog1
.MaxFileSize = 10000
.Filter = "Explorer Data File |*.mdb"
.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect Or cdlOFNExplorer Or
cdlOFNLongNames Or cdlOFNHideReadOnly
.filename = " "
If sLastDir <> "" Then .InitDir = sLastDir
sDatabaseLocation = .filename
sDatabaseName = .FileTitle
End With
' sDatabaseLocation = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" &
sDatabaseName & ".mdb"
If sDatabaseName = "" Or InStr(Trim(sDatabaseName), ".")
= 0 Then Exit Sub
.Range("DBName") = Left(sDatabaseName, Len
(sDatabaseName) - 4)
.Range("DBLocation") = sDatabaseLocation
Call CreateDatabase(sDatabaseLocation, dbAtto) ' Create
the new database
sDatabaseName = .Range("DBName") ' Reference the existing
sDatabaseLocation = .Range("DBLocation")
End If
End With
' --- Set up the file dialog box
With frmShowDirsFiles.CommonDialog1
.MaxFileSize = 10000
.Filter = "Text |*.txt"
.Flags = cdlOFNAllowMultiselect Or cdlOFNExplorer Or
cdlOFNLongNames Or cdlOFNHideReadOnly
.filename = " "
If sLastDir <> "" Then .InitDir = sLastDir
sAllFilesForAnalysis = .filename
If sAllFilesForAnalysis = " " Then Exit Sub
sFilesNames = .FileTitle
End With
' --- Open the database
Set dbAtto = dbengine.OpenDatabase(sDatabaseLocation)
On Error GoTo 0 'disable error handling at this level
Call RecordFilesToLoad(sAllFilesForAnalysis)
' Call IDDataFiles
' --- Parse each file and load it as a table into the database
MsgString = "The following files have been added to the Excel
Data File " & sDatabaseName & ":"
For i = 1 To UBound(UserFiles)
bTableOK = True ' This will get set to false if any table
fails to load
sType = UserFiles(i).sFileType
DBTableName = SanitizeString(RemoveSpaces(UserFiles
If Not (StatusTableCheck(SanitizeString(RemoveSpaces(UserFiles
(i).sFileSheetName)))) Then
DBTableName = SanitizeString(RemoveSpaces(InputBox("A
Table with the name " & SanitizeString(RemoveSpaces(UserFiles
(i).sFileSheetName)) & " already exists in the Explorer Data File.
Enter a different name for this new file.")))
End If
Select Case sType
Case "Plate Map"
iWellCount = 0
Call StorePlateMapFileInDB(i, DBTableName)
Case Else
iWellCount = 0
Call StoreDataFileInDB(i, DBTableName)
Select Case iWellCountMax
Case Is <= 96
sPlateName = "Default_96_Well_Plate_Map"
iSize = 96
Case Is > 96, Is <= 384
sPlateName = "Default_384_Well_Plate_Map"
iSize = 384
End Select
' --- Link this data file to one of the default plate maps
Call LinkTableUpdate(sPlateName, DBTableName)
End Select
' --- Update the Status table to show these new files
If bTableOK Then
Call StatusTableUpdate(UserFiles(i).sFilePath,
DBTableName, UserFiles(i).sFileType, False, iWellCount)
MsgString = MsgString & Chr(13) & UserFiles
irow = FindNextFreeDataSourceRow("Data
Sources", "DataFileDirectory")
With Worksheets("Data Sources").Range("DataFileDirectory")
.Cells(irow, 1) = UserFiles(i).sFilePath
.Cells(irow, 2) = DBTableName
.Cells(irow, 3) = UserFiles(i).sFileType
.Cells(irow, 4) = "FALSE"
End With
End If
Next i
MsgBox MsgString
Set dbAtto = Nothing
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 3204 Then
MsgBox "The Explorer Data File " & sDatabaseName & " already
exists in the directory you have chosen. You may add additional data
files to it now."
MsgBox "BD Image Data Explorer could not find the Explorer
Data File at " & sDatabaseLocation & ". Replace it at that location,
or type a new location for it into the Data Sources worksheet."
End If
End Sub
Function AddUnderDash(sName As String) As String
' --- Substitutes a underdash for each space in a string
' Use this to make table names with spaces work
Dim i As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = sName
i = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Do Until i = 0
sTemp = Left(sTemp, i - 1) & "_" & Right(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - i)
i = InStr(sTemp, " ")
AddUnderDash = sTemp
End Function
Function AddUnderDash(sName As String) As String
' --- Substitutes a underdash for each space in a string
' Use this to make table names with spaces work
Dim i As Integer
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = sName
i = InStr(sTemp, " ")
Do Until i = 0
sTemp = Left(sTemp, i - 1) & "_" & Right(sTemp, Len(sTemp) - i)
i = InStr(sTemp, " ")
AddUnderDash = sTemp
End Function
This is the function where I'm having the problem
Sub OpenNRecords(SQLString As String, N As Integer)
' --- Opens the table sNameOfTable in the current database
' executes the SQLString
' and reads in N records into recset.
' cn and recset are public variables
' -----------------------------------------------------------
The template spreadsheet closes down when it reaches the highlighted
If sDatabaseLocation <> "" Then
connstring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source= " &
sDatabaseLocation & ";Persist Security Info=False"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open (connstring)
Set RecSet = New ADODB.Recordset
With RecSet
.ActiveConnection = cn
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
.MaxRecords = N
.Open Source:=SQLString, LockType:=adLockOptimistic
End With
End If
End Sub