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Forum updates on "ubuntu transformation for winxp and trying other desktops on ubuntu"

Ubuntu transformation for WinXP and trying other desktops on Ubuntu
Came across this pack of stuff (and wasted several hours trying itout) that lets you give WinXP an...
Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 Server to Ubuntu 8.10 Server
We shouldn't forget our server users:Upgrade Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Server to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intr...
Upgrade from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.10
I've been running 10.04 on a laptop since day one. It's been a painless, funexperience. I use this...
Ubuntu-to-Ubuntu using USB
I have an Ubuntu machine controlling a process. I need to send single-charactercommands to that ma...
Ubuntu-Winxp dual-boot question
I know that at the end of the installation process it asks if you wantGrub loaded into the MBR, wh...
Ubuntu and WinXP at the same time
I'm a relative newcomer to Linux, so if this subject hasalready been beaten to death, please accep...
local install of software on Ubuntu 8.04.1 desktop
I am trying to install Symantec AntiVirus 10.1 on a test system.{Please don't flame about not need...
Ubuntu desktop "forgets" screen settings
On my recently installed print server/office workstation, I have added thekubuntu desktop, for eas...
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Article updates on "ubuntu transformation for winxp and trying other desktops on ubuntu"

Program to illustrate the implementation of Translation Transformation.
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Translation Transformation.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along a Fixed Point.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along Arbitrary Direction
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Scaling Transformation along Arbitrary Direction...
Program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation.
Program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation along a Pivot Point
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Rotation Transformation along a Pivot Point
Program to illustrate the implementation of Reflection Transformation about the line y=x and y=-x
Write a program to illustrate the implementation of Reflection Transformation about the line y=x and...
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Video updates on "ubuntu transformation for winxp and trying other desktops on ubuntu"

Interview FAQ updates on "ubuntu transformation for winxp and trying other desktops on ubuntu"

Why do I get errors when I try to serialize a Hashtable?
XmlSerializer will refuse to serialize instances of any class that implements IDictionary, e.g. Hash...
Which statement(s) is true about try block? - Select option
I. The try block is immediately followed by the catch block.II. Try statement can have only one ca...
What happens when the try block does not throw any exception?
Optionsa) The program is abortedb) Normal execution is completedc) Cannot be predictedd) N...
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