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Forum updates on "dtd or xml schema in jaxp"

DTD or XML schema in JAXP?
I just had an interview with what I thought were weird questions. I want youropinions.Here is ...
Does JAXP/XSLT support schema validation
1. I have a java application that will be using XSLT, through theJAXPclasses.We would like to ...
validate xml document with xerces 2 throw xml schema
Can you help me validating an xml document throw an xml schema??Have I to set up a custom URL sett...
JAXP in java
In Parsing XML, what is the meaning of CDATA_SECTION_NODE in the Node interfaceof the package org....
JAXP 1.2
I have an issue with JAXP 1.2 in my current (hobby) project. I amtrying to write a multithreaded s...
Force DTD validation
I need to force DTD validation of a XML file even if the dtd is notspecified in the XML file. Any ...
Creating DTD files.
I am trying to create a new DTD file using a list of tag namesthat I obtain from the user. My init...
Add-Ins loaded into Excel
Someone please give me parameters for Add-Ins, some do's and dont's.What will Excel tolerate in th...
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