I just had an interview with what I thought were weird questions. I want your
Here is one of them. They asked what parser did i use in the work I described.
I said the dom parser.
They were like no, how did you parse the xml sheet. So I started describing to
them the actually code.
They stopped me, and said no, how do you know what data was in the xml sheet, I
was like, I'd get the root node, check the child nodes while looping thru,
create NodeLists as the code loops around and when the loop stops... (LOL)
And I was stopped again. They said how do you know the data in the xml sheet is
valid. I said, r u talking about actually creating the XML and definitions, as
in DTD.
They said, yes, what parser did you use, the DTD or the XML schema. I was like,
ummm, I used the api provided by java and the dom parser.
There was a lot more said then this but you get the idea. Please tell me, who
was wrong here? Was it me or them?